Career Coaching

Find focus, determine how to gain access, land the job, and evaluate continuously.


Our coaching is based on the framework of an upcoming book we have written, Putting Interest to Work: Collaborative Negotiation Is How Meaningful Careers Are Made (formerly entitled End the Job Hunt), as well as Co-Active executive coaching techniques. We customize the process to each client to meet them where they are in their journey. Sessions involve discussion, exercises, next steps, and accountability. Sessions are usually one hour conducted in person, by phone, or by video chat, and we typically talk ​2-3 times​ per month.

We work at the intersection of career and negotiation. Because all parts of career development and job searching involve interactions with people (not firms or departments), applying negotiation theories and skills is essential (such as effective communication, collaboration, and focusing on needs, motivations, and aspirations). We use these tools to help clients figure out what they want to do, join or advance within companies or industries, and shift fields or responsibilities.

We support clients to break through any barriers that stand between them and achieving success. Our work together helps them decide what’s most important to them in making a move, and see how it will fit with their ultimate fulfillment (the impact they want to have on the world and lifestyle they want to live). Much of this work is done through informational meetings: connecting with others who have the information clients need to move forward.

We have written a book to summarize the career negotiation model we practice. It’s currently at the publisher! This 3-minute video gives an overview of the impact of our approach from our perspectives and those of our clients.

Individual Coaching

One-on-one coaching is a deep conversation about where the client is and what they want to achieve. The agenda for each session is personalized to the client, what they have and have not accomplished since the last session, and what’s important to them at the time of the meeting to accomplish going forward.

Because of the individual attention, clients typically experience the fastest results. Individual coaching can be combined with group coaching to experience both the depth of one-on-one work with the breadth of group exploration.

Group Coaching

Peer-to-peer, small group coaching is an intimate process that offers a broad conversation about agenda topics scheduled in advance. It offers the power of sharing experience, insights, and ideas with more than just the coach, while starting a new network in your career development. Although there is interaction between each client and the coach during a group experience, the time is limited by the number of other clients in the group.

(Note that group coaching does not combine in-person with virtual – groups gather either one way or the other.)


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by Tad Mayer - ​​​​​​​You’ve been working in your position for a while and your boss has not offered you a raise. How do you bring it up? What do you say? Below are 10 tips to help you successfully discuss a salary increase....


by Tad Mayer - ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Let’s say you go to a meeting and find yourself sitting at a round conference table with nine other people.  The moderator of the meeting says, “I will give a prize of one thousand dollars to each of the first two people who can persuade...